Revenue Operations

10 Revenue Operations Podcasts & Interview Series You Should Check Out

Adam Ballai
Feb 7, 2021

If you’re anything like me, you are overloaded with options for podcasts. My playlist is full of podcasts that span various topics but finding quality Revenue Operations podcasts was challenging.

So I decided to share a list of the top 10 Revenue Operations podcasts that I have come across. These are the revenue operations podcasts I listen to regularly that give me insights and tips I have found useful in my everyday work.

I should note that not all of these are revenue operations “podcasts” because they are downloadable, audio-only series. However, I am comfortable including video interview series in this list because they often serve the same function as podcasts do in my day-to-day life.

I have picked out one episode that I have found most useful for each of the series listed. I hope you find them as interesting as I did!

Top RevOps Podcasts and Interview Series

  1. Operations With Sean Lane
  2. The RevGenius Revenue Podcast
  3. Sales Ops Demystified
  4. shOPS Talk
  5. Kill YR Silos

This is not an “ultimate” list, and I expect to update it as new revenue operations podcasts, and series come out, so check back from time to time to find some new suggestions.

1. Operations With Sean Lane (Drift)


Starting with my number 1 go-to podcast, Operations with Sean Lane from Drift is a must for people in the Revenue Operations space.

The focus of this podcast is to help sales and marketing operations folks better understand hypergrowth and learn from experts who have done it.

My Favorite Episode:

How Clari Runs Effective QBRs With Rosalyn Santa Elena

There are a few reasons I love this episode.

First, Rosalyn Santa Elena, Head of Revenue Operations at Clari, is an absolute star in the world of Revenue Operations. Personally, I have learned a ton from all the awesome content she has put out.

This episode does a fantastic job of breaking down best practices for running a successful Quarterly Business Review (QBR) and what role an operations person should play.


2. The Revenue Podcast (RevGenius)


If you are in the Revenue Operations space and aren’t familiar with RevGenius yet, you really should check it out.

Jared and the folks at RevGenius have done something extremely difficult – they built a real community of like-minded professionals who are there to help each other.

Beyond the Slack community and the online magazine, RevGenius’ podcast is another vehicle of RevGenius’ message of empathy, collaboration, and learning for sales, marketing, and revenue operations.

As diverse and insightful as their community as a whole, the podcast is a must-listen for revenue operations folks.

My Favorite Episode:

The perception of the CRO role with Thiago Sá Freire of

Being a leader can be tough. And the position of CRO can be particularly challenging as it is still constantly redefined.

In this episode, Thiago Sa Friere, CRO of, does a fantastic job of defining the role of CRO and the leadership qualities required to motivate a revenue team.

3. Sales Ops Demystified with Tom Hunt (Ebsta)


Building out a Sales Ops function can be an incredibly daunting challenge. The Sales Op Demystified podcast with Tom Hunt from Ebsta is a fantastic resource for Sales Ops leaders to learn from the best of the best about how they built, ran, and scaled the Sales Ops functions at their various companies.

My Favorite Episode:

How to Start a Sales Ops Function with Scott Hillier, Head of Sales Operations – Music Promotion at Spotify

I found this episode absolutely fascinating.

Scott Hillier, now the Head of Sales Ops at Spotify, maps out his journey from an on-demand legal services company to huge names such as Google and Oscar Health to his current role at Spotify.

Scott does a deep dive into the challenges of building out a Sales Ops organization within an already massive company. The insights he provides are beneficial, regardless of the size of your team or company.

4. shOPS Talk (Wizards of Ops, Sonar, and Salesforce)


In this Zoom video interview series, a rotating list of guests provides insights bi-weekly.

I love the added benefit of being able to submit questions and guest suggestions; it gives a sense of interactivity with the audience that you don’t always get from other series.

My Favorite Episode:

shOPS Talk Episode 3: Special Edition – State of Sales Ops

The all-star cast of this episode, including Jen Whalen, Senior Director of Product Marketing; Trailblazer Marketing at Salesforce, is what drew my initial attention.

The discussion centers around a recent report put out by the folks at Salesforce about the current state of Sales Ops. In particular, COVID-19 has impacted the space and how Sales Ops pros are coping with these changes.

5. Kill YR Silos (Go Nimbly)


Punk Rock & RevOps – who would have thought these two things would go together? Well, that’s exactly what the folks at Go Nimbly are doing with their YouTube interview series, Kill YR Silos.

In this series, Co-Founder and CEO Jason Reichl sits down with RevOps experts and goes deep with RevOps experts, and he doesn’t pull punches.

As Jason says at the very beginning of every episode, it’s “the only show about operations that dares to ask the fundamental question at the heart of every operator’s mind. That question, of course, is: is there a better way to manage all this shit.”

Jason sets out to prove that there is, and it’s called “Revenue Operations.”

Rock on 

My Favorite Episode:

Kill Yr Silos Episode 4: Ross Nibur, Toast

I’m a big fan of this episode in which Jason chats with Ross Nibur, Director of Operations at Toast, about their respective approaches to Revenue Operations, as well as ways companies can find RevOps success.


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6. Impact Pricing Podcast


For those of us that like to geek out on the science of pricing, this is the podcast for you.

In it, Mark Stiving of Impact Pricing gets into discussions with pricing experts about the cross-section between pricing and value.

My Favorite Episode:

Ep103: The Power of Behavioral Economics in Pricing with Florian Bauer

This episode, featuring author, educator, and member of the pricing consultancy Vocatus, Florian Bauer, discusses the potential downsides of pricing discounts. He also highlights some additional incentives that both entice customers and retain your product or service’s value.

7. The Sales Hacker Podcast


Sales Hacker is another amazing community for folks in sales, revenue, marketing – really anyone who touches the customer journey somehow.

While this podcast, hosted by Sam Jacobs, CEO of Revenue Collective, is not exclusively focused on Revenue Operations, the episodes are all extremely useful to operators.

My Favorite Episode:

Podcast 141: How to Build an Achievable Revenue Plan with Mary Grothe

In this episode, Mary Grothe, CEO of House of Revenue, highlights the thing that most often drives companies towards Revenue Operations – too many silos.

This is a great episode for operators and a perfect entré into the Sales Hacker podcast.

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8. Gain. Grow. Retain.


One of the most important and sometimes overlooked aspects of Revenue Operations is customer success. It’s a huge mistake not to make CS front and center in your revenue plan as it is one of the most integral pieces of optimizing your revenue.

The Gain.Grow.Retain podcast is focused on customer-centricity in the B2B space. It is a useful tool for operators to understand better growth strategies that GTM teams can employ.

My Favorite Episode:

Leverage Customer Segmentation for Account Growth

This is an awesome interactive session with Bertil Weil, a Senior Account Manager at Gartner, on segmenting customers can help grow accounts.

9. Revenue Rebels (DemandLab)


Continuing with the customer-centric theme, the Revenue Rebels podcasts from the folks at DemandLab do a great job of bringing together sales and marketing to discuss the importance of alignment of GTM teams and how it impacts revenue.

My Favorite Episode:

I think this episode perfectly encapsulates what I like so much about Revenue Rebels. The discussion here between the leaders of both sales and marketing at Outreach. In this episode, Steve Ross represents the Sales side of things while Kelly Justice discusses from a marketing perspective.

10. The Sales Lift


Last but not least is The Sales Lift podcast which is focused on helping revenue leaders scale.

Hosted by Tyler Lindley, Senior Channel Account Manager at Hubspot, this series has a sales enablement focus but provides real value to operators.

My Favorite Episode:

From Sales Rep to RevOps Leader w/ David Taub

This is the episode that sealed the deal for adding The Sales Lift to my list. Just an absolutely amazing story about how David Taub, Director of RevOps & Sales Enablement at eSUB, transitioned from the world of AE into Revenue Operations.

Co-Founder & CEO

Adam Ballai

Adam Ballai, CEO of RevOps, Inc., is known for scaling companies to a 1B run-rate and pioneering usage-based billing platforms. With experience at Twilio and Stripe, he excels in driving product-market fit and rapid growth. At RevOps, Inc., Adam leads the charge towards groundbreaking CPQ technology

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