From the Team

A Software Buyer's Market

Adam Ballai
Sep 19, 2023

The housing market tends to see-saw back and forth. During some periods it’s a good time to be buying a house, and during other periods it’s a good time to be selling a house. The software market tends to work the same way. Today, the state of software purchasing can best be described as a buyer's market, with many factors contributing to this trend.

Some Buyer’s Market Signs

The first significant factor contributing to today’s buyer's market has actually been a trend taking place over the last two decades - that is the rise of cloud-based software. Cloud-based software has become increasingly popular due to its convenience and accessibility, which allows users to access their software from anywhere with an internet connection. As a result, many companies have begun offering cloud-based software solutions.

Similarly, as cloud-based software has become more popular, more providers have entered the market. It’s never been easier to start a software company. More providers equals more solutions. More solutions gives buyers a wider range of options to choose from. Furthermore, the increased competition naturally forces providers to improve the value of their products and offer more flexible pricing models to help them stand out in a crowded market.

The COVID-19 pandemic has also played a significant role in the current buyer's market. The pandemic lead to an increase in remote work, which has further fueled the demand for cloud-based software. Providers are aware of this and are offering more flexible pricing models and increased functionality to accommodate the new work environment. This has given buyers even more options to choose from and has increased competition in the market.

However, just as the housing market can shift from a buyer's market to a seller's market, the same can happen in the software market. As providers consolidate and the market becomes more saturated, buyers may find themselves with fewer options and less leverage to negotiate favorable terms. It is important for buyers to take advantage of the current buyer's market and carefully evaluate their options to find the software solutions that best fit their needs and budget.

The Importance of Evaluating Software Solutions

One important consideration for buyers is to identify the key features and functionalities that they require. This will help narrow down the options and ensure that the chosen software solutions meet the company's specific needs. Another consideration is to understand the pricing model and how it aligns with the company's budget. It is important to evaluate the long-term costs associated with the software, as well as any potential add-on costs that may arise in the future.

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Buyers should also take advantage of free trials or demos offered by software providers. This allows them to test the software before committing to a purchase and ensures that the software meets their needs and expectations.

Another important factor to consider is the provider's customer support and service. It is important to choose a provider that offers responsive and knowledgeable customer support, as this can be critical in the event of technical issues or other software-related problems.

Overall, buyers should take the time to carefully evaluate their options and choose the software solutions that best fit their needs and budget. While the current state of software purchasing may lean towards a buyer's market, it is important to remain vigilant and stay informed about any changes or shifts in the market. By doing so, buyers can ensure that they are making the most informed decisions for their company's software needs.


With the current state of software purchasing being a buyer's market, it is important for companies to take advantage of this opportunity to find the best software solutions for their needs and budget. However, it is equally important for buyers to evaluate their options carefully and remain vigilant as the market can shift quickly. By considering key factors such as the required features and functionalities, pricing models, customer support, and service, buyers can make informed decisions and choose the software solutions that will benefit their company in the long term.

As the demand for cloud-based software continues to increase, and the number of software providers grows, the market is likely to remain a buyer's market for the foreseeable future. This provides an excellent opportunity for companies to find the best software solutions for their needs, while also driving innovation and competition in the market. By remaining informed and evaluating options carefully, companies can ensure that they are making the best decisions for their software needs, both now and in the future.

Co-Founder & CEO

Adam Ballai

Adam Ballai, CEO of RevOps, Inc., is known for scaling companies to a 1B run-rate and pioneering usage-based billing platforms. With experience at Twilio and Stripe, he excels in driving product-market fit and rapid growth. At RevOps, Inc., Adam leads the charge towards groundbreaking CPQ technology

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