Product Announcements

August Product Updates

Elaine Tsai
Aug 12, 2021

Welcome to the August edition of RevOps monthly product updates! We’re excited to highlight some of the amazing new features, updates, and fixes we’ve implemented this month.

Preview of Hubspot Integration

Over the last few weeks, we’ve been working toward bringing RevOps to Hubspot. We’re excited to start making this available to customers. Here’s a quick preview of our Hubspot Integration. If you use Hubspot as your CRM and are excited to try out the Beta, signup here.

Updated Salesforce Integrations

New Menu & Properties Available for Mapping

We’ve updated our Salesforce Integrations Menu to help guide you in automating your data between RevOps and Salesforce. Here are some of the new features:


  • The value of Term Variables can be mapped and synced into Salesforce.
  • When accessed via a Lookup field, any field on an object one association away from Opportunities, Accounts, and Contracts is available for mapping.
  • For example: Opportunity.<LookupFieldName>.Field allows you to enrich a custom field on an object associated with the Opportunity.

Improved Terms functionality

Allow your buyers to edit the String values of your Terms

Your agreement may include information such as “Billing Email” or “PO Number.” If you want to allow your customers to edit and update these fields when they are signing your agreement, you can enable “Editable by Signer.”

  • For any String Terms, the value of the Term can now be editable by the Signer.
  • If you create a String Term Variables, the string value can also be editable by the Signer. Simply placing this Term Variable in your Term Language, and a string field will be created on your agreement for the Signer to fill out.

Improving the Visual Spacing of your Agreement

Improved Term spacing

  • We’ve improved the vertical spacing between Terms on the Agreement. If you have a Term Block that does not have a Term Label or Icon, we completely remove that vertical spacing to look more natural on the document.

  • If your Term Block only has a Label and no Icon, we’ll also make sure the Term Label is right-aligned so your agreement can be easily readable.

  • You may also add a subheader and icon for each individual Term Block. The collection of Icons available to be used can be found here.

Tip of the Month

Your Workspace has a Built-In term called “Proposal Expiration Date.” When this Term is used on your agreement, based on the date you’ve set on the order form, your customer will no longer be able to sign the agreement if the agreement has expired. With this Term, you can:

  • Creates a sense of urgency for your customers
  • Makes sure the most up-to-date agreement is being signed and reduces the risk of customers signing agreements with incorrect dates.
  • Set a date in the past so that you can share an agreement for your customer to the only view

This Term could be found disabled in your list of Terms; you can start using it on all your agreements if you enable it.

Bug Fixes

  • Friendly Name of the Term Types correctly displays in the “Add Terms” dropdown.
  • Removed misleading tooltip when adding prepaid tier pricing.
Head of Product Management

Elaine Tsai

Elaine enjoys building simple products for complex problems. In her free time, you'll find her hiking, training for triathlons, or grilling.

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